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Powerpoint presentations are not as simple as they seem

Powerpoint design is extremely simple. Thousands of people use it for sales presentations every week, and some do a reasonable job of it. powerpoint presentations are the industry standard for communicating information in a sales-type meeting, when you are hoping to convince the audience that you have the answer and product for them. Good Powerpoint design, on the other hand – a presentation that does what you want it to and inspires and motivates rather than sends people to sleep – is a different and altogether trickier art.

Powerpoint is incredibly versatile, and has a huge number of features – many of which will not even be apparent to the casual user. These can add real impact to your presentations; on the other hand, poorly used they can detract badly from the message you are trying to get across, and act as a distraction. The best use of Powerpoint is as a support to what you are saying, not as competition, and certainly not as a replacement. It needs to function in such a way as to engage the audience, rather than alienate them or give them an opportunity to switch off from listening to you. (Incidentally, the same goes of any handouts you send round – they need to complement your presentation rather than replace it. There is nothing worse, from the audience’s point of view, of receiving what is essentially the same presentation three times, in forms that barely differ – once on a handout, once on the screen with Powerpoint, and once spoken by you.)

A little training in Powerpoint design can go a long way. Even if it’s just taking you through the basics and showing you how the main functions work – and how they should be used to maximum effect – then it can be worth a fortune in sales later on. Say, for the sake of argument, that the training you receive from a professional organisation or individual makes the difference in a single instance, securing a deal through your superior sales presentations that you would otherwise have missed out on? That’s probably enough to pay for the training costs, several times over, already. Previously, your lacklustre powerpoint presentations might have held you back; now, they are the missing piece you needed to make all the difference. That’s something that’s definitely worth thinking about next time you’re sitting through a tedious sales meeting with one of the worst examples in front of you.

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Business proposal writing: a vital skill in the modern world

business proposal writing is all about understanding the mindset of the company.  Many consultants think that they can write an effective proposal if they know a lot about the bid, but many people make the mistake of failing to give sufficient consideration to the client’s position.  If this is the case in your business, you may find that some expert bid support will give your business a real boost.  Similarly, many sales teams approach their presentations in the same way they have for years, and some small changes in their strategy might really show up in sales figures.  It can be tricky for teams to reinvent their strategies at the drop of a hat, and therefore a little sales presentation training might be just the thing you need.

Business proposal writing can be a stressful business; with hugely lucrative contracts at stake, the content of a business proposal might be the most important thing you write in a year.  If your entire team’s job security is dependent on the quality of your presentation, it certainly seems worth taking some advice on how to write a bid.  Perhaps the most important element of any bid is clarity, as clients who receive a large number of submissions will have limited time in which to take in several documents.  If you can help them by summarising the content of your document in 2-3 sentences at the beginning, your proposal will certainly have a head start.  This enables you to highlight the key strengths of your presentation at the outset, so that the reader knows what to look out for.  Nobody likes having to read a document more than once before they fully grasp what the writer is trying to convey, and by inserting a clear summary at the start, you can ensure that your document will not demand this kind of attention.

It is also a very good idea to include visual elements in your presentation as much as possible.  Logos, images, charts and graphs will greatly enhance the appeal of your document and make it much easier for the reader to understand.  Ploughing through pages of written text is not always conducive to engaging the reader and ensuring that they remember your proposal over the many others they have to read.

The best written proposal can fall flat if it is poorly delivered, which is why sales presentation training can be an extremely valuable investment.  If your business proposal writing is streamlined and your presentation style is original and effective, you should have few problems in securing the contracts that will make you the envy of your colleagues. Once start seeing the positive results, you may end up thinking that paying for bid support is priceless.

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