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October, 2010:

Vulnerability management helps you feel secure about your internet system

It can be a bit of a bother checking that your IT system complies with information security standards as comprehensively as possible.  Surecloud has the aim of making the internet a low risk place for companies and organizations of all sizes, and as such, is a good website to look at if you are seeking penetration testing or vulnerability management.  As the internet is ever more vital to our corporate lives, online security should be very high on our list of objectives.  It should not be only bigger companies who enjoy protection, and this is why it is advisable to go for vulnerability assessment so that your security solution is relevant to your risk profile.
With vulnerability management, you can automate the management of your security system across your business, which provides you with network asset discovery, asset impact ratings, vulnerability detection, reporting and analysis, and remediation management.  It will also guarantee you immediate online access to security professionals who can help you with remediation issues.  There are a number of different options available in terms of managing your security.  You can opt for external scanning, to discover and manage vulnerabilities on your network perimeter, or if you would like to discover and manage vulnerabilities on your internal networks, you could choose internal scanning.  If it is your web applications you are concerned about, an App Scanner will allow you to identify and manage web application vulnerabilities.
It is important to make sure the provider of your protection has a large knowledge base which incorporates many different vulnerabilities and advisories.  Such information will be derived from industry sources such as the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures list and the NIST National Vulnerability Database.
In terms of penetration, to ensure a comprehensive test, a holistic approach will ensure that all existing devices are included in the scope of the test.  This will include live devices that might not be currently used within your organisation’s daily business operations, to make sure all potential risks are highlighted.  The testing will mirror the behaviour of an actual hacking team, leveraging vulnerabilities discovered in one system to attack another, and adapting throughout the testing process.
If you are an IT manager trying to find a company to provide you with vulnerability management, it is certainly very important to ensure that the security provider you choose uses the most comprehensive approach possible.  Given the potential risks involved in internet security, it is worth spending time and money to ensure that your penetration testing and vulnerability testing are as effective as possible.

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Always Be Certain


Cash genie can help you out if you are in financial difficulty

September means one thing for many young people around the country – freshers’ week.  The mad week of partying that integrates freshers into their new environments can be as much of a strain on the bank balance as it is on the liver.  Indeed, starting university necessitates some prudent  financial planning.  If you do encounter financial difficulties, a company such as Cash Genie will be able to supply  a short term loan for some immediate cash flow, but if you are living away from your parents, paying rent, and not earning, you certainly should start thinking carefully about how you are going to get by financially.

It can be hard to stay aware of exactly what your outgoings are, especially if you are spending a lot of your money at the pub.  A good way to deal with this is to keep a record of what you spend every day, as this should help you to plan your future outgoings and help you identify where you may be able to lower your spending.  It may sound geeky, but it will hardly take any time to make a chart on your computer where you note down where your money has gone over the last few hours or days, and this will certainly help you keep on top of where your money is going.

Many students are able to hold down jobs while they are away at university, but it is impossible to know until you are actually into your course what the demands will be on your time.  A course with only six hours of lectures a week may sound easy, but you will soon find that a lot of independent reading will be required – and only after a few weeks will you learn how long this takes.  At this point you will know how many hours a week you can commit to working.  If you can fit it around your studies, getting a part time job may be a great idea.  If you can make your own money while you are studying, you will have less financial stress, and it will also be a useful addition to your CV, illustrating that you can juggle academic commitments with outside activities, and that you have taken control of your own money.

It is not impossible to manage your finances while you are studying – most students do manage to get by without needing to call in the services of a Cash Genie. There are so many ways of saving money that it is up to you to make the most of them – there will probably not be another time in your life when so many things are so cheap!  They say your time at university should be the best days of your life, so don’t let money worries ruin it.  Just follow this advice, plan your spending and keep an eye on it, and perhaps even try to earn a little money of your own, and you should be able to enjoy student life with no worries!  Apart from that next essay deadline, perhaps.

Please visit for further information about this topic.


Advice from cash genie on how to live on a student budget

Studying for a degree from a university provides more than just an academic qualification – it prepares you for life in the ‘real world’.  For many students being a university student is their first ever experience of living away from home.  This can be a learning curve in many different ways.  Cooking for yourself, getting down to work without anybody telling you to get off Facebook, and sorting your own cash flow, are all important skills that you will probably pick up at university.  For many students, staying on the right side of their overdraft is one of the most difficult challenges of student life – and there are certainly many who find themselves wishing for a Cash Genie who will provide them with a little bit of extra money to see them through until the end of the term.  Sometimes, following a few simple bits of advice can stop you from getting into too much financial difficulty.

One of the main expenses of the typical student is text books.  It is not unusual to be given a list of necessary books not long before you arrive, or when you sign up for your modules, that look as if they will cost you hundreds of pounds.  Many keen freshers will think they need to head straight to the shops, but there are lots of ways of getting your necessary materials without going straight into your student loan.

Your university library is obviously a good place to begin, but this is likely to have only a few copies of every item, so if there is a really crucial book that you are likely to need for a whole year (not just for one essay, for example), then it is often worth buying a copy of your own.  Students in the year above you are likely to have similar items that they no longer need, so check online postings or noticeboards in your department, where they are likely to be advertising their books at cheap prices.  Otherwise, the internet is a great place to find second hand books, which are always significantly cheaper than new ones, and may even have the relevant bits helpfully highlighted!

It may be of some comfort to know that there are companies such as Cash Genie who can provide immediate loans if you need money quickly.  But life at university doesn’t have to be expensive – as a student you can buy so many things for low prices that it really is possible to live on a tight budget. Just remember that the bar’s offer of three triple vodkas for a fiver might not be as good an idea as it seems!

Please visit for further information about this topic.
